Saturday, 18 July 2009

On my way

Just a very quick post before heading off on my holly-pops.

Have had an absolutely mental past 2 weeks at work but things have been going brilliantly, I am enjoying the challenge and my team are fabulous...  Work has not left nearly enough time for other stuff though and I am very much looking forward to getting away and spending some time with my beautiful family out on Barra and Harris. 

With immaculate timing Peter from Portobello Running Club has today posted a report from the Harris half marathon last weekend.  It includes various pictures of amazing scenery - skip over the writing if you're not interested in running race reports....  
And if the weather is half as good while we're there I will be one hell of a happy man...

And when I get back we will be into August in Edinburgh... which is always amazing.  The week I'm back I'll be out Tuesday night catching up with an old work colleague, Wednesday night with friends at Andrew Maxwell (comedian) on first night of fringe, Thursday lunch catching up with Director of Venture Scotland on next wave of proposed Marketing and Comms activity, doing a 10K over the Forth Road bridge and back on the Sunday, and then a bunch more shows, plays and so on the following week.

So generally it is all tip-top tickety-boo!  As my old pal Stevie used to say, "I am spanking YOW"... (I think it was a good thing) 

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