Monday 16 May 2011

My training schedule - a poem

I was stuck at Heathrow airport for a few hours last week.  I'd made up my marathon training schedule for Berlin the weekend before, which always results in a burst of enthusiasm, but I then had to cut short my next training run, that same weekend, because of calf pain.

Anyway, I must have been bored, because this is how my idle mind processed this information and filled the time at Heathrow...


My training schedule - a poem

I've done a training schedule, it's perfect in ev'ry way
If only I can manage to keep injuries at bay

Sixteen weeks long, it breaks down in parts - long, short and tempo
Plus a little bit of cross, where it'll help things to flow

But fix your back, calf goes next. Sort one calf, other one goes.
Ageing body must protest, what's coming next - no-one knows!

They say, "Just follow the plan, it'll get you to Berlin"
No need for miracles or the wizardry of Merlin

So I've made up my schedule, I just need a little luck.
And for troublesome injuries to, please, now, get to f---.
